The CITEC is an easy to use and effective tool, to be used in a broad range of neuromuscular disciplines such as neurology, rehabilitation, orthopeady, physiotherapy, sports medicine, etc.
The standard attachments of this precision instrument can be used for almost all clinically relevant muscle groups. Optional attachments further increase your analysis-possibilities.
You can easily carry the instrument with you.
CITEC is immediately ready for use and applicable in almost all circumstances, from the consultation room to the IC or home situation. The CITEC switches off automatically after use.
The CITEC is very easy to use. The device has only one control key. This turns on the CITEC. As soon as the force is applied, the peak value is displayed.
The CITEC expresses the measured force in Newton, which is much more accurate than conventional muscle power scales such as, for example, the MRC scale. A Grip, Three Point grip and Pinch grip) applicator are available.