
Users & patients are very positive.

Various studies show the reliability of hand-held myometry in general and the CITEC in particular. Patients also appreciate the CITEC: the device is very friendly and easy to use and offers clear, objective values that can illustrate the effect of therapy or recovery.
In addition, CITEC is used preventively by, among other things, health and safety services and sports medics.

In practice

The CITEC is very easy to use. The device has only one control key.

With this [on / reset] key you switch on the CITEC; the device is now ready for measurement. As soon as force is exerted on the mounted attachment, the peak value is shown in the display. This value remains visible on the display. After approx. 15 seconds, the CITEC switches off automatically. To take a second measurement, you can reset the CITEC by pressing the [on / reset] key for 1.5 seconds. You can obtain detailed information on how to use the CITEC. find in the manual.

User experiences

The CITEC dynamometer is used worldwide by many specialists in various disciplines, including Dr. ir. Luciano Merlini (Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli Neuromuscular Unit, Bologna, Italië). Dr. Merlini has been using the CITEC for years and to the great satisfaction.

In 2002 voerde Dr. Merlini, samen met Dr. Mazzone, Dr. Solari en Dr. Morandi, een onderzoek uit naar de betrouwbaarheid van hand-held dynamometry bij SMA-patienten (‘Reliability of hand-held dynamometry in Spinal Muscular Atrophy’).
Voor dit onderzoek werd de CITEC dynamometer gebruikt. Eén van hun bevindingen luidt: “In our experience, hand-held dynamometry provides reliable measures of limb muscle strenght in SMA patients of different ages and strength and can be used in longitudinal studies and clinical trials of the desease”.

A lot of research has been done into the reliability of hand-held dynamometry (HDD) in various disciplines. It is often concluded that hand-held dynamometry makes a correct assessment of muscle strength possible.

We are proud that the CITEC dynamometer meets the wishes and requirements of the professional user. In particular, the user-friendliness, the reliability and the wide deployability of the CITEC are appreciated. In addition, because of its physical properties, the CITEC can be used whenever and wherever one wants.

Patients are also enthusiastic: in addition to the ease of use, they particularly appreciate the possibility of being able to follow their recovery process on the basis of quantitative data.

Some examples

(*Investigations for which the CITEC dynamometer has been used)

2008* Reliability of quantifying foot and ankle mustle strenght in very young children

2004 Forskning Fysiotherapie: Handheld dynamometer for measuring shoulder

2004* Muscle Strenght Measurement of the Hand (Schreuders, T.A.R. – dissertation, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam)

2003* Rheumatology 2003;42:591-595: The physiological and physical determinants of functional ability measures in children with juvenile dermatomyositis  [abstract]

2003* Muscle Nerve 27: Early prednisone treatment in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

2002* Muscle Nerve 26: Reliablilty of hand-held dynamometry in spinal muscular atrophy

2002 University of Delaware – J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

2001* Neuromuscular Disorders – Reference values of maximum isometric muscle force obtained in 270 children aged 4–16 years by hand-held dynamometry (Elsevier abstract)

2001 Journal of Athletic Training – Reliability Of Shoulder Rotation Strength In Division I Baseball Players Utilizing A Manual Muscle Test, Hand-Held And Isokinetic Dynamometer

2000 Student Journal of Health Sciences – Wrist Extension Strength

1997 Rehabinfo Network – Strength Measurement Using Hand-Held Dynamometry

1996 Physical Therapy Journal – Normative Values for Isometric Muscle Force Measurements Obtained With Hand-held Dynamometers